CETE has designed and started conducting a training on teaching and learning at MNU. The training is delivered in collaboration with the Policy and Quality Control Unit and Training Development Unit with the major purpose of familiarizing the academic staff with the newly formulated teaching and learning policy and to ensure quality teaching and learning at MNU. The training will be delivered as an online program through Moodle with a workload of 30 learning hours. The program includes a combination of synchronous guided discussions which will be facilitated by the facilitator, self-paced readings together with learning tasks and assessments. Major areas covered through the program include; Student Learning and Engagement, Theories and Approaches to Teaching, Designing Teaching and Learning, Assessment Types and Strategies, Teaching and Learning with Technology which are built upon the principles of quality teaching that are addressed in the Teaching and Learning Policy. The first batch started the program on April 2, 2023 with 33 participants. All the activities related to the program including designing, developing, facilitating, monitoring and evaluation are managed by our Lead Instructional Designer, Ms. Aminath Zifna.