The Maldives National University > cete news > MOODLE PAGE REVIEW MEETINGS WITH FACULTIES

CETE conducted meetings with all the faculties to disseminate the output of the Moodle course pages review of Term 1, 2023. The purpose of conducting the review is to assess and evaluate the Moodle Course Pages used to teach at The Maldives National University in alignment with the Moodle course page authoring guide as stated in the roles and responsibilities of subject coordinators. In addition, this review will help to inform the instructional designers the areas to improvement and to identify the areas for the faculty’s professional development with regard to teaching in blended modality. The activity is carried out as a quality measure to improve teaching and learning at MNU. Through these meetings, liaison officers from CETE allocated for the faculties highlighted key findings and areas of improvements individually for the faculties and gathered feedback and suggestions from the faculty staff for further improvements. These meetings were carried out from 30th October 2023 to 19th November 2023.