The Maldives National University and COMSATS University Strengthen Academic Ties through Strategic Collaboration and Future Opportunities

The Maldives National University > News > The Maldives National University and COMSATS University Strengthen Academic Ties through Strategic Collaboration and Future Opportunities

The Maldives National University and COMSATS University Strengthen Academic Ties through Strategic Collaboration and Future Opportunities

In a significant move to strengthen international academic collaboration, Dr. Aishath Shehenaz Adam, Vice Chancellor of the Maldives National University (MNU), along with Dr. Raheema Abdul Raheem, Deputy Vice Chancellor, visited the Islamabad Campus of COMSATS University on June 8, 2024. They were warmly received by Prof. Dr. Sajid Qamar, Rector of COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), highlighting the continuing relationship between the two esteemed institutions.

During their visit, a comprehensive presentation was delivered by Dr. Hammad Omer, Head of CUI’s International Office. Dr. Omer underscored the successful collaboration that has been in place since 2016, following the signing of a memorandum of understanding focused on scientific and educational cooperation. He highlighted the fruitful exchange visits conducted in 2016 and 2018 as evidence of the growing bond between the universities.

Looking towards the future, Dr. Omer proposed that MNU could leverage various scholarship opportunities available for postgraduate students from the Maldives. He also emphasized the potential for MNU to benefit from CUI’s expertise in hybrid education models, which could significantly enhance the academic experience and broaden access to education for Maldivian students.

Dr. Tahir Naeem, Director of Planning & Development and Human Resource Development at CUI, provided an insightful briefing on the training need assessment conducted by CUI at MNU in 2018. He pinpointed several critical areas where CUI could offer technical assistance to MNU, focusing on capacity building and institutional development. This includes potential support in curriculum development, faculty training, and infrastructure enhancement, which are crucial for the sustainable growth of MNU.

The visit of MNU’s top officials to CUI is a testament to the enduring partnership between the two universities. It reflects a shared commitment to advancing higher education through international collaboration and mutual support. By pooling their resources and expertise, MNU and CUI aim to foster academic excellence and contribute to the development of future leaders in their respective countries.

This visit not only reinforced existing ties but also opened new avenues for collaboration, particularly in areas such as scholarships, educational technology, and capacity building. It is a promising step forward, indicating a bright future for both institutions as they continue to work together towards achieving their educational goals and making significant contributions to the global academic community.