About Us

The Center for Educational Technology and Excellence (CETE) is dedicated to provide support to the teaching and learning community of The Maldives National University to create high-impact solutions to address classroom challenges with the support of educational technology.

Vision: The Centre for Educational Technology and Excellence (CETE) will be recognized as a transformative educational services partner to The Maldives National University.


Mission: The Centre for Educational Technology and Excellence (CETE) promotes scholarly and innovative approaches to teaching, learning, curriculum and educational technology practices across The Maldives National University through the promotion, support, training, and continuous increase in the use of various educational technology including e-learning.


Contact Us

Rahdhebai Higun, Machangolhi,
            Male’, Maldives
+960 3345209

Welcome to the Centre for Educational Technology and Excellence (CETE)! As we move forward with the advanced technology, we value the importance of sustaining the old traditions and also recognize the vitality of embracing the emerging technologies and practices.

We, as a team at CETE, are committed to play a role in helping MNU’s efforts to provide students with a unique learning experience by incorporating innovative technologies and effective pedagogies in teaching and learning.


Roza IbrahimHead of Centre

AMED Project

This project aims to support the modernization, accessibility and internationalization of higher education at The Maldives National University.


  • I teach ACC 311 Advanced Financial Accounting. I just completed a tutorial class of 16 students in Google Meet (We had a meeting at BS and Aisha recommended this and showed how it worked).Google Meet can be used if you have Gsuite, so I used my work email as I do not have access to uni email.

    I had a test session of 15 minutes with students yesterday to check the connection and see if everything was ok or not and resolve any issues we may face. For online sessions, I create an event using Google Calendar and it has the option of a physical location or Google Meet as delivery method. I invite all my students using their email addresses and send an invitation to join the class at the assigned time. I also copy paste the link in our viber group. I also inform the online session details in the viber group. I also send them a reminder just before the session starts.

    In the session all the student microphones and videos are off. I am only speaking and sharing my screen.

    Since today was a tutorial, I asked them to open the tutorial sheet and slides shared from Google Drive. In my classes I read out the specific question we are going discuss and give them appropriate time to formulate an answer. I write in the chat also the question we are attempting. Once they are finished, they will type ‘done’ and I will pick out a student to answer the question by unmuting his/her microphone. We do the same for the rest of the questions. The process wasseamless and went without any difficulty.

    I take attendance randomly twice during the session and ask them to write ‘present’ or ‘here’ when I take a roll call. My class is small and I found this a good solution but may not be applicable for larger classes.

    The feedback from students during the test session and today’s tutorial was great. There was student engagement from the beginning till the end.

    Although some students logged out (maybe due to internet connection) they still rejoined the rest of the class.

    Aishath Shama
    May 2020
  • Hangouts Meet + jamboard + PowerPoint, excel and notepad is a good enough lesson in my experience.

    I think each lecturer does his own thing. I am quite new to online teaching so I actually read up on what other lecturers in other unis are doing and planned mine. I make a 20-minute highlight of lecture and during this period all student mics I ask to mute. During lecture I share either window or screen. Window if it’s ppt and me talking, and screen if I show ppt with either jamboard to scribble or excel for computation. Then I give them an activity, usually calculations to do and we go back online after one hour (this time with mics on) to discuss the computation answers as well as any points in ppt they don’t understand. Ppt and questions are in Moodle for them to see.

    Usually the second online meet session takes me 20 to 40 minutes. Some students just linger with questions and I remain in meeting till all are answered or my lecture time ends. Yes. I plan my classes through google calendar and have scheduled meetings for the week and invited students as well. I also email them instructions as well as what they should expect in lecture. I also expect students to accept the invite so I can check in advance if all students actually will turn up or whether I might have missed a guest in my meeting. Have to do this for a week only and next week is automatic since my meetings are set to repeat every week (till uni opens of course).”

    Aisha Rasheed
    May 2020
  • Fully onlinekoh kiyavaidheegen ves content baraabarah kiyavaidhevidhaane.. Mi ee alhuganduge thajuribaa… Mihaaru gendhevey goiy ves hiyhamajehey… Adhi ithuru goiygoiy ves thajuribaa kuramun mi dhanee.

    May 2020
  • I teach Marketing Management part-time. I tried to lecture 55 students on google hangout, using the chat function.

    While the students got engaged in the lesson by asking questions and commenting on key points, the content or topics that could be delivered was limited. This is because you have to type everything.

    However, I felt that that students found it easy to understand the concepts explained. Interestingly, a number of students did say it was better than they expected. And got comments like ‘good class’. (This never happens in normal classes. 😃) And a number of students suggested we use audio. I have a tutorial class next. So i am thinking of using audio (in google hangout) and google docs. Based on that will conduct the following lecture.

    May 2020
  • Just finished my tutorial class from 6 to 8. First created forum and a chat in Moodle. From 6 to 7 we discussed the question via forum since it between prayer come and I got more than 70 discussion. Once done with it I had chat session to recall what we did in…

    May 2020
  • Once I faced this problem where in the middle of the lecture, a student started presenting and my slides disappeared for them. But was able to solve it quickly. it is very important to give instructions to students prior to class n make them ready.

    May 2020
  • Hi Shim , just wanted to give you a feedback of the class I took yesterday. With all the support provided by CETE , I was able to successfully carry out my online session finally.

    Thanks to you all , you are all doing a wonderful job.

    For the class , I used google hangout , most turned up for class and I was able to carry the lecture just as I would in a f2f lecture with slides and there were no internet issues or

    technical glitches as such. All were able to see the slides and heard my voice clearly. At the end of the class , I even took a feedback and the feedback was very positive.

    For the tutorials I’m uploading on moodle and they are to submit to me their work , through email. I am also available on chat for their doubts and questions during their tutorial time.

    In addition to this I’m suggesting to them what additional resources ( videos , readings etc) they can watch or read before or even after the lecture.

    May 2020
  • I used zoom for around 17 students. No issues and studebts stayed back for discussions plus oit was a bit easier with recording all. And students’ feedback was good. I guided beforehand in Viber and they were ready when I hosted the lecture. Some students used phones as 2 to 3 were at work and just took break for the sessions.

    May 2020
  • Just finished my second online class, I used “Zoom”. 35 students participated, no complications tonight. Alhamdhu Lillahi. Zoom is very useful if you use ipad or tab. recorded sessions can be shared too.

    May 2020
  • Successfully conducted the first virtual class with at MNU.I tried the Google Hangouts the last night. Out of 40 students of my Regular Evening EST103 class, I was able to contact with 37 students, but not in one session, had to divide the class into two. was able to contact maximum 20 in one session.

    Conducted a lecture sharing the ppt presentation via screen sharing. Session went well for those who were in contact.

    Thanks to Google for providing distance learning solutions especially during COVID-19 to help us stay connected. Looking forward to shifting to advanced Hangouts Meet features that include the ability to host larger classes with more members.

    May 2020
  • We are experimenting. Today we are trying a trial session with students to see how to avoid any difficulties during actual class online. I think this is a good time to work online even when things are ok. I just had a trial session for few mins with two class representatives. We had a discussion on how we will go ahead in the online class which we will schedule later in the week. Then we tried the screen sharing options. This I did to familiarize them and myself so that we are a bit comfortable in the actual session. I asked students to get themselves in groups and try it before the class. This is a bit relieving.

    May 2020
  • Due to the small size of my class MKT 205, and for better student engagement I have been using Skype group conferencing. It has been rather effective as well.

    May 2020
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  • Ahmed Shareef

  • Aminath Zifna

    Lead Instructional Designer
  • Ibrahim Adam

    Instructional Designer
  • Niuma Mohamed

    Lead Instructional Designer
  • Fathimath Mumthaz

    Lead Instructional Designer
  • Roza Ibrahim

    Head of Centre