Dr. Nadhiya Abdulla

Senior Research Fellow


Ms. Nadhiya Abdulla has worked in a career spanning over eight years in the educational sector. Following the successful completion of her “Bachelor’s degree in Education”, with a distinction in teaching practice from the University of KwaZulu Natal (2005-2009), she assumed the role of a Biology and Chemistry subject teacher in secondary school. Subsequently, she pursued her Master’s degree in “Pedagogy for Higher Education Institution” from Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, Ukraine (2010-2012).

Post-Master’s, Ms. Abdulla transitioned into roles of, serving as a science teacher educator and curriculum developer. She played a pivotal role in the development of a Human Rights Education Course and during this tenure, she worked as part of the team in developing, comprehensive student and teacher “Human Rights Club Manual”, and contributed to the formulation of a Human Rights Club.

Ms. Nadhiya Abdulla worked at TVETA from 2017 to 2018 and showcased her expertise in vocational training course development. Her responsibilities included the revision and enhancement of national competency standards, the creation of new national competency standards, and coaching tutors on the effective implementation of curriculum aligned with the national competency standards.

In the field of research, Ms. Nadhiya Abdulla demonstrated her commitment by conducting research on identifying and addressing gender-based violence in education at Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan, during the academic year 2016-2017.

She has completed her Ph.D. in Management from Dnipro State Agrarian Economic University (2019 September-2023 September), and her Four-year doctoral journey focused on comprehending and managing farming activities in the Maldives towards sustainability. Ms. Nadhiya Abdulla’s scholarly contributions include over 11 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals indexed in databases such as the Web of Science Core Collection and Scopus. She has acquired proficiency in both the Russian and Japanese Language.

Teaching Interest

  1. Research Methods and Data Analysis
  2. Agricultural Science and Agricultural Management
  3. Management and Administration
  4. Biology pedagogy and teaching and learning Biological Science
  5. Mathematics (foundation, numeracy, arithmetic)
  6. Human Rights and Education

Research Interests

  1. Family Farm Management
  2. Agricultural entrepreneurship development and management
  3. Food and Nutrient security in social economic and environment perspective
  4. Gender perspective and environmental impact research
  5. Science education, teaching strategies and skill building 
  6. Human resource management and development
  7. Local governance and public policy
  8. Leadership and administration

Thesis and Postgraduate Thesis Supervision

  1. Factors Affecting Tourist Preference Towards Halal Concept Hotels in The Maldives
  2. Parental involvement in Secondary Student’s Academic Activities to increase their educational performance in Landhoo School
  3. Investigation in to teachers’ preparedness in teaching children with special educational needs (SEN) in Landhoo School.
  4. Teacher’s Attitude Towards Online Teaching During Covid-19 Pandemic
  5. Challenges of implementing ICT in teaching and learning: A case study of a School in Noonu Atoll of Maldives.
  6. Effectiveness of Google Classroom: Teachers’ Perspective
  7. Effectiveness Of Classroom-Based Teaching Conducted as Professional Development for Teachers at Landhoo School: Teachers Perception
  8. Behavioral, Environmental and Socioeconomic Factors Associated with Visual Impairment and Refractive Errors in The Key-Stage 2 Learners of Rehendhi School – Maldives.
  9. Development of the Study on The Socio-Economic Impacts of The Decentralization Process in The Maldives; With Regard to Education, Service Provision and People’s Participation
  10. Impact of emotional intelligence on organizational performances
  11. Improving Farm Management of Farmer Cooperatives in Ukraine: A Case Study of Dnipro’s Agricultural Sector
  12. Small Farm Entrepreneurship and Sustainability
  13. Impact of Laws and Policy on The Growth and Functioning of Farmer Cooperatives in Ukraine
  14. Empowering Rural Farmers Through Cooperatives: Driving Social and Economic Growth.

Projects Undertaken

  1. Project for Developing Sustainable Agricultural Economy (PDSAE)
  2. Sustainable Economic Empowerment and Development for SMEs (SEEDs)
  3. National Air Cargo Study
  4. Proposal Development of Total Diet Study for the Maldives for Maldives Food and Drug Authority supported by WHO Maldives (2024).
  5. Resilience to Climate Vulnerability and Environmental Risk lead by University of Waterloo, Canada and funded by


  1. Abdulla, N. (2024). Review of the Biology and Ecology of the Invasive African Grey Snail (Achanita Fulica): Its Impact on Horticulture Crops and Effective Pest Management. Maldives University Journal. [DOI:]
  2. Abdulla, N., & Vasylieva, N. (2024). Human resources development in farming and fisheries for food security. Agricultural and Resource Economics. International Scientific E-Journal, 10(3). [DOI:]
  3. Abdulla, N., Vasylieva, N., & Volovyk, I. (2024). Fisheries management for food security in the Maldives. Agricultural and Resource Economics. International Scientific E-Journal, 10(3). [DOI:]
  4. Abdulla, N. (2023). On Improvements of Family Farming Management in the Republic of Maldives. In Proceedings of the VII International scientific and practical conference “Scientific progress: innovations, achievements and prospects” (pp. 467–468). Munich: MDPC Publishing.
  5. Abdulla, N. (2023). Evolution of management consulting and its significance in the sustainable development of agrarian enterprises. In Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific Trends and Trends in the Context of Globalization” (pp. 32–40). Umea: Mondial.
  6. Abdulla, N. (2023). Sustainability of Family Farms in the Maldives: Influence Factors and Challenges. Агросвіт, 7–8, 124–134. [DOI:]
  7. Abdulla, N. (2023). Agricultural production and import targets for farming development in the Maldives. Ефективна Економіка, 3, 20 p. [DOI:]
  8. Abdulla, N., Vasylieva, N., & Volovyk, I. (2023). On improvements of agricultural extension services for contract farming. Агросвіт, 3–4, 33–42. [DOI:]
  9. Abdulla, N., Vasylieva, N., & Volovyk, I. (2022). Production optimization for sustainable agriculture and efficient contract farming in the Republic of Maldives. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 28(4), 579–590. [DOI:]
  10. Abdulla, N., Vasylieva, N., & Volovyk, I. (2022). Key regional problems of the contract farming in the Republic of Maldives. Modern Economics, 35, 6–12. [DOI:]
  11. Abdulla, N. (2021). Contract Farming as a Means to address the Food Security and Sustainable Development of Maldives. In Матеріали XV міжвузівської науково-практичної конференції “Підготовка фахівців на шляху до євроінтеграції: проблеми та перспективи” (pp. 9–11). Дніпро: ДДАЕУ.
  12. Abdulla, N. (2020). Needs and challenges of Maldivian advisory officers in building resilience of smallholder farmer. In Матеріали ІІ Всеукраїнської науково-практичної онлайн конференції “Молодий вчений модерну – фундамент розвитку освіти, науки та бізнесу в Україні” (pp. 266–271). Дніпро: КЗВО “ДАНО” ДОР”.
  13. Abdulla, N. (2020). Pestel analysis of Maldivian agricultural system to improve agricultural management. In Матеріали VIII науково-практичної Інтернет-конференції “Розвиток форм і методів сучасного менеджменту в умовах глобалізації” (pp. 5–8). Дніпро: ДДАЕУ.
  14. Abdulla, N. (2020). Project Approach on Enhancing Sustainable and Environmental Smart Fertilizer Usage in Agriculture of the Republic of Maldives. In Тези доповідей науково-практичної конференції молодих вчених і студентів “Молоді науковці аграрники: традиційні й нові аспекти досліджень” (pp. 92–94). Дніпро: Друкарня “Стандарт”.


  1. II International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference
    Accounting and Financial, Information, Language and Communication Support for Sustainable Development of the Agricultural Sector of the Economy: Problems, Priorities, Prospects
    Dates: October 30-31, 2024
    Location: Dnipro, Ukraine
    Organizer: Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University
  2. 4th International Conference on Disaster Management 2024
    Date: September 18, 2024
    Location: Universitas Andalas, Indonesia
    Presented Paper: “Human Resources Development in Farming and Fisheries for Food Security. Agricultural and Resource Economics”
  3. VII International Scientific and Practical Conference
    Dates: April 3-5, 2023
    Location: Munich, Germany
    Presented Paper: “On Improvements of Family Farming Management in the Republic of Maldives”
  4. 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference
    Scientific Trends and Trends in the Context of Globalisation
    Dates: February 19-20, 2023
    Location: Umea, Sweden
    Presented Paper: “Evolution of Management Consulting and Its Significance in the Sustainable Development of Agrarian Enterprises”
  5. XV Scientific Practical International Conference
    Dates: June 4-6, 2021
    Location: Dnipro, Ukraine
    Organizer: Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University
    Presented Paper: “Contract Farming as a Means to Address the Food Security and Sustainable Development of Maldives”
  6. II All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Online Conference
    Date: November 25, 2020
    Location: Dnipro, Ukraine
    Presented Paper: “Needs and Challenges of Maldivian Advisory Officers in Building Resilience of Smallholder Farmers”
  7. 8th Scientific and Practical Internet Conference with International Participation
    Dates: November 2-6, 2020
    Location: Dnipro, Ukraine
    Presented Paper: “PESTEL Analysis of Maldivian Agricultural System to Improve Agricultural Management”
  8. Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students
    Dates: February 25-28, 2020
    Location: Dnipro, Ukraine
    Presented Paper: “Project Approach on Enhancing Sustainable and Environmental Smart Fertilizer Usage in Agriculture of the Republic of Maldives”



  1. Student Research Proposal Advisory Committee at DSAEU
  2. Ethics Committee at MNU
  3. MNJR Editorial Board at MNU
  4. Maldives AgroNational Corporation Board
  5. SAARC Agricultural Centre Steering Committee