Hassan Shuabee is an assistant lecturer at the Department of Environment and Natural Science. He completed his B.Sc. in Forestry from Royal University of Bhutan, Bhutan in 2019. He has also achieved a Diploma in Hi-tech Agriculture in 2010 from GB. Pant University of Agriculture Technology, India. He has more than 15 years of experience in Maldives Agriculture.
• Climate-smart Agriculture
• Environmental studies
• Agribusiness
• Entomology and Plant Pathology
Project Name: Aboveground Biomass and Carbon Stock Estimation of Bruguiera cylindrica
and Rhizophora apiculata in South, North and Central Maldives
Date: June 2018 to July 2019
Project name: Assessment of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) in, Harvesting, and Post-Harvest Handling of Banana and Watermelon
Date: To be started in 2025
Research Assistant: Hassan Shuabee