
Dr. Faruhana Abdullah

Assistant Professor (Department of Environment and Natural Science)


Faruhana Abdullah is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Engineering Science and
Technology of the Maldives National University (MNU). She completed her PhD studies at
Universiti Sains Malaysia in 2023 in Education for Sustainable Development. She obtained a
Master of Science in Biomedical Research from King’s College, University of London in 1993
and a Bachelor of Science (Biology) and Diploma in Education (Secondary) from American
University of Beirut in 1987. She has been teaching at MNU since June 2003, prior to which she
taught biology at the school level for ten years. She specializes in teaching biology and
biodiversity conservation related subjects, science education, and teaching and learning of
Biology at the undergraduate level. She has also taught pedagogy and research units for post
graduate students at MNU. Her research interest lies in conservation biology and education.
Consequently, her PhD research investigated direct nature experiences, biodiversity
knowledge, attitudes and conservation willingness among Maldivian children.

Area of Interest

• Environmental and biodiversity conservation
• Biology
• Education

Teaching Interests

• Biology
• Conservation
• Plants and Ecology
• Science Education

Research Work / Grants

Project: Exploring Local Knowledge Practices Of Indigenous Communities Related To Stem Education: A Comparative Study Between Malaysia And The Maldives
Date: November 2021 to date

Selected Publications


    1. Abdullah, F., Ahmad, M. Z., & Ishak, N. A. (2022). From children’s direct nature experiences to
      conservation willingness: Mediating effects of biodiversity knowledge and affective attitudes. Asia
      Pacific Journal of Educators and Education, 37(1), 193–212.
    2. Abdullah, F., Ishak, N. A., & Ahmad, M. Z. (2022a). An exploration into direct nature experiences (DNE ) and biodiversity knowledge amongst island children. Journal of Turkish Science Education,19(2), 660–683.
    3. Abdullah, F., Ishak, N. A., & Ahmad, M. Z. (2022b). Transforming children’s live experiences with species into conservation willingness: The mediating roles of biodiversity knowledge and affective attitudes. European Journal of Educational Research, 11(4), 2057–2067.
    4. Abdullah, F., Ishak, N. A., & Ahmad, M. Z. (2022c). Unpacking determinants of middle-school
      children’s direct nature experiences (DNEs): An island perspective. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 21(10), 19–49.
    5. Abbott, N. J., Mitchell, G., Ward, K. J., Abdullah, F., & Smith, I. C. H. (1997). An electrophysiological method for measuring the potassium permeability of the nerve perineurium. Brain research, 776(1-2), 204-213.


Conference proceedings:

    1. Abdullah, F., Mohamed, M, A., Nashath, M., Mohamed, M., Thoufeeq, W., & Ishak, N. A. (2024,
      19 – 20 August). Towards Re-imagining Contemporary STEM: Uncovering Indigenous STEM
      Practices in the Maldives. [Paper Presentation]. The Theveli International Conference 2024.
      Maldives National University, Male’, Republic of Maldives.
    2. Abdullah, F., Ishak, N. A., & Ahmad, M. Z. (2024, 21 – 22 August). Understanding How Contextual Factors Influence Direct Nature Experiences Among Island Children: Insights from a mixed method study. [Paper Presentation]. The Theveli International Conference 2023. Maldives
      National University, Male’, Republic of Maldives.
    3. Abdullah, F., Ishak, N. A., & Ahmad, M. Z. (2022, 22 – 23 August). Exploring pathways from direct nature experiences to conservation willingness in children: Testing a sequential mediation model. [Paper Presentation]. The Theveli International Conference 2022. Maldives National University, Male’, Republic of Maldives.
    4. Abdullah, F., Ishak, N. A., & Ahmad, M. Z. (2019, 8 – 9 September). Influences of direct nature
      experiences on children’s knowledge, understanding and attitudes pertaining to biodiversity
      conservation: A conceptual paper. [Paper Presentation]. The third International Conference on
      Multidisciplinary Research. Maldives National University, Male’, Republic of Maldives. https://