If you’re a current student of MNU, you’ve come to the right place. This page is your go-to for all you need to know about student life at Maldives National University. Check out our centres, faculties and schools for related information.
Valid and reliable assessment practices guarantee quality control in the University. The assessment policy sets out broad guidelines for the assessment of student learning at The Maldives National University. The policy ensures that assessment practices within the University are consistent, valid and assures transparency of operations. It is also designed to make sure that all necessary and appropriate information about subject assessments is clearly communicated to all students and to all staff involved in teaching and/or marking of assessment tasks. This broad policy sets out a general framework for guiding assessment practices.
Module Lecturer
Course Coordinator
Head of Department
Dean of the Faculty
Dean of students
University ID card
Each student will get the official University ID card. The ID Card must be carried at all times while on University property and must be surrendered to any University official upon request. The ID Card is the property of the Maldives National University and is governed by the rules and regulations set forth by the University. It is not transferable and is not permitted to be used by anyone other than the issued cardholder. In addition to serving as the official University ID card, it can be used by students to access the following:
1. Faculty/School/Centre/Campus
2. Residents of Dhanaal
3. The Library
4. Gym
5. Examination Hall
ID Cards are issued by the Student Support and Services Office located in the Central Building. After the orientation and registering for classes, students can apply for the University ID Card. There is no charge for an initial card. Reporting Lost or Stolen Cards and Replacing the ID card
Lost or stolen ID Cards must be reported immediately to the Student Support and Services Office via the student email. The fee to replace a lost, stolen, or damaged ID Card is 50.00. The replacement fee must be paid to the Revenue Department before the card can be replaced.