Dr. Aishath Shaira

Assistant Professor (Department of Environment and Natural Science)


Dr. Aishath Shaira is working as an assistant professor at the Maldives National University, Faculty of Science and Engineering and Technology (FEST). She graduated from University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa with a Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Science (hons) (Chemistry), a Master of Science (Chemistry) and a PhD in Chemistry. She had also obtained a teaching advanced diploma in Chemistry and Mathematics from the Maldives College of Higher Education. Her research interests include design, synthesis, and characterization of homometallic and heterometallic (supramolecular) transition metals and their spectroscopic properties, computational density functional Theory (DFT) studies, molecular simulation and coordination chemistry of transition metal complexes and understanding the kinetic and mechanistic substitution behavior of inorganic complexes, analytical Chemistry, water quality testing, food and environmental chemistry and microplastic analysis.

Teaching Interests

•  Inorganic and Physical Chemistry
•  Organic chemistry
•  General Chemistry
•  Analytical chemistry
•  Medicinal Chemistry
•  Instrumental Analysis
•  Material science and Chemistry
•  Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Research Interests

  1. Design, synthesis, and characterization of homometallic and heterometallic (supermolecular) transition metal complexes with interesting and potentially useful biological properties with particular interest on ruthenium, cobalt and platinum polypyridyl ligand systems and their spectroscopic properties
  2. Computational DFT studies, molecular simulation and coordination chemistry of transition metal complexes
  3. Kinetic and mechanistic substitution behavior of inorganic and organometallic (particularly platinum, ruthenium and cobalt) complexes with potential biological activity.
  4. Drug Designing and Analysis
  5. Environmental chemistry and climate change
  6. Analytical Chemistry
  7. Water quality Analysis
  8. Microplastic analysis
  9. Chemical analysis in foods

International Research Projects

  1. Research Title: GCRF South Asian Nitrogen Hub ( )
    Designation: Researcher (from 2021 to December 2023)
  2. Research Title: Climate CHange diplomacy, LeaDership and ResilieNce (CHILDREN), ( ) (From 2021 – March 2023)
    Designation: Researcher


Undergraduate Final Year projects

Completed projects:

      1. Saeedh Ibrahim (BSc): Quality of seawater at Rasfannu (Maafannu artificial beach)
      2. Mariyam Jumana (BSc): Determination of Heavy Metals in Seawater of Thilafushi Island
      3. Hafiza Adam (BEM): Public perception on the use of tap water for drinking in greater Male’ region
      4. Fathika Adnan (BSc): Comparison of nitrogen content in the ground water of agricultural and nonagricultural area in AA. Thoddoo
      5. Aminath Farusana (BSc): Mineral ion content in selected water bottle samples sold in Maldives
      6. Fathimath Rafal (BEM): Determining The Salinity of Groundwater in K.Male’, Maldives
      7. Mariyam Shaheena (BSc): Comparison of nitrogen content in ground water of agricultural and non-agricultural areas in L. Gan, Maldives
      8. Ibrahim Shareef (BSc): An Investigation of Mercury Levels in Bigeye Scads: Comparison Between Land Reclaimed Islands and Natural Islands in Maldives
      9. Moosa Mahee (BSc: An Investigation of Mercury Levels in Red Snapper: A comparison between Leaching and Land reclaimed areas

Ongoing projects:

      1. Joodh Karim (BEM): Bioavailability of Microplastics within the Marine Environment Surrounding K. Thilafushi

Research Grants

Research grant: “Bioavailability of Microplastics within the Marine Environment Surrounding K. Thilafushi”

Grant Duration: September 2024 – June 2025

Position held: Principal investigator.

Funding Organization: The Maldives National University

Selected Publications

  1. F. Adnan and A. Shaira, AIP Conf. Proc. 3245, 060001 (2024)
  2. M. Jumana and A. Shaira, AIP Conf. Proc. 3245, 060002 (2024)
  3. A. Shaira and D. Jaganyi, J. Coord. Chem., 2014, 16, 2843- 2857.
  4. A. Shaira, D. Reddy, D. Jaganyi, Dalton Trans., 2013, 42, 8426-8436
  5. J. Field, J. A. Gertenbach, D. Jaganyi, D. R. McMillin, A. Shaira and D. J. Stewart, Z. Naturforsch., B: Chem. Sci., 2010, 65, 1318–1326.
  6. A. Shaira and D. Jaganyi, J. Coord. Chem., 2015, 68, 3013-3031.

Contributing Author:

  1. Maldives National Chemical Profile,2015.


Conference proceedings:

Poster Presented and Participated

  1. 5th Commonwealth Chemistry Conference 2024 (111-12 September 2024). Poster presented on Humpback Red Snapper as A Biomarker to Detect Significant Difference in Mercury Levels in Maldives.
  2. 4th Annual General Meeting (AGM) for Commonwealth Chemistry on Tuesday 21 May 2024 (Participated online).
  3. 4th Commonwealth Chemistry Posters. 4-5th Octorber 2023 (Virtual). Poster entitled: Determining The Salinity of Groundwater in K.Male’, Maldives  by  Fathimath Rafal and Aishath Shaira.
  4. 2nd Commonwealth Chemistry Congress-Partnership for the Goals. 23-25th May 2023. Poster presented, entitled: A kinetic and Mechanistic Investigation of Polyethyleneglycol Ether Bridged Dinuclear Platinum(II) 2,2’:6’,2”-Terpyridine Complexes by Aishath Shaira and Deogratius Jaganyi.
  5. 2nd Commonwealth Chemistry Congress-Partnership for the Goals. 23-25th May 2023. Poster presented with a flash talk, entitled: Mercury Levels in Big-Eye Scads: Reclaimed vs Natural Islands in the Maldives by Aishath Shaira and Ibrahim Shareef.
  6. South Asian Nitrogen Hub full meeting, Male’, Maldives, 27th November to 1st December 2022.
  7. 1st Commonwealth Chemistry Congress- Partnership for the Goals.
  8. 18th -20th May 2021, Virtual presentation, entitled: Determination of Heavy Metals in Seawater of Thilafushi Island, by Aishath Shaira and Mariyam Jumana.
  9. 1st Commonwealth Chemistry Congress- Partnership for the Goals.
  10. 18th -20th May 2021, Virtual presentation, entitled: Comparison of Nitrogen content in the groundwater of Agricultural and nonagricultural area in AA. Thoddoo by Aishath Shaira and Fathika Adnan.
  11. 1st Commonwealth Chemistry Posters- Building the Partnership, Bridging Chemistry Across the Commonwealth to Tackle the SDGs,
  12. 25-27 August 2020, UK, entitled: Quality of seawater at Rasfannu (maafannu artificial beach), by Saeed Ibrahim, Aishath Shaira, Noora Khaleel.
  13. 16th Biennual SACI Inorganic Chemistry Conference (SACI2013). Incorporating the Carman Physical Chemistry Symposium, Durban, South Africa, 30th June to 4th July 2013, entitled: Kinetic and Mechanistic Studies of Heteropolynuclear Ru(II)-Pt(II) Complexes with Short and Semi-rigid Linkers, by Aishath Shaira, Desigan Reddy and Deogratias Jaganyi.


Paper Presented and Participated

  1. Maahee, M and Shaira, A, An Investigation of Mercury Levels in Red Snapper, Theveli International conference, August 2024, Maldives National University.
  2. Fathika, A and Shaira, A, Comparison of nitrogen content in the ground water of agricultural and nonagricultural area in AA. Thoddoo, International Conference on Innovations in EngineeringScience and Technology for Sustainable Development (ICEST) 2023, Maldives National university.
  3. Jumana, M and Shaira, A. Determination of Heavy Metals in Seawater of Thilafushi Island, International Conference on Innovations in EngineeringScience and Technology for Sustainable Development (ICEST) 2023, Maldives National university.
  4. 39th Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms Group (IRMG) Meeting, Kloster-Banz, Germany, 7th-10th January 2010. Paper presented: D. Reddy, D. Jaganyi, J. Perils, K. J. Gillham, A. Shaira & M. P. Akerman, “A detailed Kinetic and Mechanistic Study of the Reactions of Platinum(II) Polypyridyl Complexes with a Series of Azole ligands.”
  5. 3rd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (Theveli 2019), Male’, Maldives, 8th – 9th September 2019.